These taqueria-style pickled jalapenos are a great way to preserve jalapenos from your garden. This recipe is suitable for canning but make sure that the...
These potatoes are perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas! They are my husband's family tradition in Pennsylvania. This is the actual recipe from my husband's...
This is a beautiful jelly of red bell peppers and green jalapenos. It's a perfect relish to many holiday favorites, or serve it with cream cheese on a...
This green bean recipe will become your new favorite side dish. Inspired by a classic French recipe (haricots verts amandine), these green beans feature...
Made these potato wedges on a whim, just threw some spices together! Great alternative to French fries! You may need to adjust the cooking time, depending...
Recipe's been passed down from my great Grandmother (Year 1889). Given to my Grandmother (1906) the only daughter of 17 boys. Both of whom said 'this meal...
This fall and winter farm recipe was passed down from my Irish-Canadian grandmother Agnes Walsh (Donahoe). It's a simple mash that I updated with a dash...
Nutty, savory, tart, and sweet... This acorn squash makes a great autumn side dish that's even better the next day, and perfect for Thanksgiving! Serve...
These fried potatoes are fiercely textured, fiercely flavored, fiercely presented, and fiercely enjoyed. How fierce is really up to you and your inner...
This is my mom's corn pie. We grew up eating this and loving it in the heart of Amish country. It is a very hearty dish, and easy to make. Give this one...
These refried beans are delicious and so easy to make. This refried bean recipe is quick, too-use canned beans and they're ready in 25 minutes! Plus, these...
This side dish is summer on a sheet pan! Fresh veggies like peppers, squash and tomatoes are roasted, then topped with toasted bread crumbs mixed with...
The BEST Grilled Shrimp is the perfect weeknight meal because it is super quick, full of flavor, and so easy to make! Everyone will absolutely love and...
This recipe is number 1 on the request list when friends come for dinner. Melted butter, brown sugar, and dill complement the carrots while bringing out...
Living in China, I had to adapt to some foods I hadn't eaten before. Sugar snap peas have become one of my favorites, and while trying new concoctions,...
Serve this barley casserole with beef, chicken, or fish instead of rice or potatoes. It's simple to put together and bakes in the oven along with the beef,...
This easy, classic potato salad recipe is THE BEST! It was handed down from my grandma to my mom and then to me and includes their secret tips that makes...
I found that some of the best recipes are the easiest! Try this once, and more than likely you'll make it again and again. And another bonus: if you choose...
As a healthier alternative to Mexican or Spanish rice, this version uses gluten-free quinoa instead of rice for its additional protein and fiber and great...
This recipe makes a wonderful chili sauce for hot dogs. Just place a grilled hot dog in a bun and top with chili, grated Cheddar cheese, and diced onions....
Small red potatoes are perfect for this comforting, make-ahead red potato salad. They're easy to cook and add a vibrant color to the classic summer side...
Fresh baby spinach, sliced mushrooms, and boiled eggs are topped with a hot bacon vinaigrette with caramelized onions. Very satisfying and earthy! This...